Saturday 18 October 2008

Today's Ramble 18.10.08

I'm lying here in bed not completely with it, looking at Simon's desk, I have to say it is looking pretty cluttered to say the least! I simply couldn't work with all that crap around me it would totally do my head in.

Had a bit of a "what would be the start of a disagreement but nothing has kicked off yet" run in with Jane tonight :( I made a comment that people who know that they are beautiful and perfect are arrogant about it usually and Jane argued that the don't but agreed that some are, but that was what I meant. I THINK we agreed to disagree on the subject as the subject was swiftly changed. I will still argue here though that people that have perfection a lot of the time are arrogant b@stards about it because they KNOW they are beautiful, you see it in the films the American stereotypical school girls that are beautiful and they're usually cheerleaders, and everyone and everything is inferior to their beauty etc, it's like that in real life too sometimes, I grew up knowing that first hand. I'm sorry Jane.

Today has been a strange day, getting up at 12pm kinda knocked me off balance and nothing that is supposed to get done on a Saturday got done *blushes* it was the childrens' fault in a way (yeah go me, blame the poor innocent kids) for insisting on playing outside when we should have been working on stuff.

I've got to help Bronny with her homework tomorrow, she's got to copy some instructions and show the proof at school, I have no idea what to do, I thought baking but I don't know if I can be arsed to deal with baking and all the cleaning up afterwards, then there's going to be a little boy wanting to join in and do the same and he's going to get cross when he can't and oh god, I can't do this. Why do they have to have homework that HAS to involve a grown up every week, I'm not back at school! I don't mind the odd time but every bloody weekend is a bit of a ball ache and I haven't got balls! lol

Incidentally, totally off topic now, I actually am able to sympathise with a bloke when he gets hit in the balls because I know, or kinda know what that feels like, I've never been a man so let me explain. One of my motorbike rides caused me a great deal of pain in the ya know what area so I went to Dr Killeen (the best Doc Mum knows) as a visitor and got seen by him... it turned out that my oviaries kinda dropped back and got stuck between my anal passage and my cervical canal, so yeah, I had balls for a while, so every time I sat down funny or had sex, it felt like I was being kicked in the balls according to Doc. Thankfully I was saved from an operation by falling down the stairs and they popped back up where they were supposed to be :) woot! So yeah, the doc explained that I was in so much pain so often because a ladies ovaries have exactly the same nerve make up as a man's balls, so yeah, being hit in them felt like I was being hit in the balls. So girlies, men do not exaggerate like we once thought that they did. It does flipping hurt.

Hmmm how does one follow that up? Oh well, I'm getting rather sleepy and actually nodding off now, it's gone 1am (on the DS it doesn't auto save or update the time) so I had better bugger off now.

Love to all.



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