Monday 20 October 2008

Glace Iced Rich Tea Biccies

Bronny had some homework where she had to follow a set of written instructions to make something, so as to cheat and be easier on me *blush* I said she could make glace icing and make some iced biscuits. The kids weighed out the icing sugar themselves and I gave them the water to add and they mixed the icing sugar to make glace icing, I gave them my tin of Rich tea biscuits and rich tea fingers for them to use their icing on. They used LOADS of biscuits rofl

Euan made some triple decker biscuits by sandwiching some icing between them (I hope they seal well so they don't fall apart for him) They both did really well and worked really hard and only made a minimal amount of mess which made me even more proud of them, both kids filled a couple of dinner plates with their biscuits, and ATE their fair share lol

I'm so happy that they had so much fun and both enjoyed themselves so much AND behaved too, I was very surprised that Euan didn't have a flid when his icing ran out, he was totally ok about it and said he felt sick so couldn't eat any more anyway *rolls eyes in a cute way*

Both kids went to bed after their "baking" experience and I've told them both we can do more baking in the future if they stay that well behaved ;) They were both asleep within minutes! :D

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