Thursday 23 October 2008

Today's Ramble 22.10.08

As far as the scale goes I am 8.5 and that with me feeling emotionally good great super smashin spiffin would be on about 9.3 if I was on a crap day emotionally.

Simon has been in a good mood for most of today which has helped because his bad moods upset me and then I'm upset all day, he sulks and has tantrums like a child, which i think is the same as the majority of men when you think about it.

Had to constantly treat Euan with kid gloves this morning his flids are getting worse and he is more aggressive as the days go by now, he's actually hurting me a lot, Euan got VERY silly tonight at bed time and started beating the shit out of me I asked him nicely to stop and he just carried on, I shouted at him to stop and he hit me about 10 times in quick procession (?) and shouted between gritted teeth and clenched fists "I hate you" I managed to calm him to settle him to sleep, he fell asleep within seconds bless him.

Bronny been an absolute star as normal this morning, she never knows where to put herself when Euan is having a tantrum and she's usually worrying about my health bless her. We had a huge cuddle and a laugh before it was time for bed, bless

Well it's now 3.50am so I had best get me gone now, I think!

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