Sunday 12 October 2008

A ramble a day....

.. keeps the doctor away, well it keeps me sane anyway lol..

Am sitting outside freezing my butt off so that the children can play and have some fresh air outside heh. It's not exactly freezing but it is cold, I'm sitting here in my shawl anyway :S you know kids though they don't really care how hot or cold it is or even how wet it is when they are having fun. They are currently running up and down the garden with their skipping ropes over the washing line, difficult to explain so I'll take a picture instead, done will upload to blog later on :)

Jasmin and Theodoor are coming out occasionally to watch the children, probably thinking how mad they are. Just asked Euan to take some pictures of them for me, he takes some good pictures bless him, he is good with the camera :)

I don't feel too good today I should really be in bed right now but the kids are enjoying themselves so much outside it would be a real shame to make them come in. Trouble is that I don't know how much longer I can stay up :( in fact it's actually too late to go to sleep now I didn't realise how late it actually was, better get inside and sort dinner out now. tbc....

we had Joe's Pizza again tonight *blushes lots* it's not actually pizza we eat, we eat the junk food that they also offer *blushes still* I had a donner kebab and some garlic bread with cheese but didn't finish the garlic bread, the donner kebab was filling. I had to create my own sauce and salad because even though I had requested garlic mayo with mint sauce, I ended up receiving it plain as ever, donner meat in a pitta bread :( it was nice with my low fat mayo and a couple of romaine lettuce leaves on it though, romaine goes better than the Iceberg lettuces.

I just fell asleep at my desk then *blushes again* when the children have been put in bed I definitely think that I should go to bed too at least for an hour catch up or something (not that ANY sleep revives me, not even a power nap, no matter how long I stay asleep I am not revived :( It's not fair! I envy people who wake up feeling revived and refreshed and thinking woot, I'm ready for the day today! I crawl out of bed thinking "oh crap it's morning already" every time I've been asleep lmao.

Right, am going to sign off and get children in bed then have a lie down myself I think, that's IF the children will behave and go to bed nicely or whether they will mess around a lot. :S

Huggles all

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