Tuesday 7 October 2008

Just managed to prevent his bad mood

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

My Son woke up in a good mood this morning but it changed when it came to breakfast, because there was no bread for toast this morning he started his what I thought was the tell tale sign that we were going to have a tantrum this morning, I talked him out of it by reminding him how much he'd helped me earlier and that he was a super star helper, I also explained to him that a good breakfast makes the burner start which makes the cogs go and it will mean that he will be more awake in classes and be able to do better sums and write better stories.

This worked and he ate his breakfast in jamas with his boots on not done up.

I helped him to get dressed, YES I know he's 6, but I find that helping him with the frustrating bits on a tentative day keeps the tantrums at bay rofl it worked anyway Wink

He went off to school with a bounce in his step and a healthy happy cuddly young boy this morning.

I know I shouldn't have to tip toe around him but until we have help with getting him to stop being so angry and aggressive all the time, all I can do it paste over the niggly bits so he has a smooth morning.

I don't give in to his moans and groans, I simply do or say things to take his mind off them and turn them into smiles and huggles.

We're a very huggy bunch my daughter, son and I, well they don't like hugging each other, but they absolutely thrive on hugs from me. Laughing

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