Tuesday 7 October 2008

"Son is on a good day today :)"

Monday, October 6, 2008 | A Positive story

Things are better today, dearest Son woke up in a fabulous mood and got dressed and put his shoes on before Breakfast, ate breakfast wonderfully then WALKED to school with my partner and my daughter, no problems at all this morning!

I think it's better because he was excited about wearing his new school shoes and taking his new trainers in to play in at lunchtime too. Hopefully Sam the helper will be there so that she can help him get back into his school shoes.

I must teach him how to tie laces, we're half way there, he does the first bit, and holds the first bow bit, but that is when it all goes to pot and he gets confused into what he is supposed to be doing :S

I will go through it with him every night after school until he gets fed up, (so that'll be 2 attempts a night lol) and then hopefully within no time he'll have it done perfectly.

That's it for this entry til after school, hopefully I don't have to write a separate entry saying he's been naughty and hopefully I'll be able to stick with this one and say how good he was all evening too.

Wish me luck

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