Friday 10 October 2008

Weird Day today :S

Well, it has really been a strange day today, my feelings have been all over the place, I'm not even completely here I don't think. I know why I've been a right pissy bitch all day though, because I didn't put my Cipralex in when making up my weekly meds, so I didn't take it last night and boy has my mood been flipping horrible today, I've been so angered by the slightest of thing, Simon kept telling me off for being so pissy and I kept snapping back at him telling him I wasn't being pissy :( I am so bad.

I am so lucky that Simon loves me as much as he does for him to tolerate as much as he does from me and the kids, the kids and I properly speaking like ;)

I wish I could use emoticons in this blog, they'd really brighten it up, other blogging facilities have emoticons, going to have to email them and nag them to put emoticons in, even if it's the plain "msn" style ones.

Simon has decided he is going to bed now so I will sign off and ramble on some more in a bit on my DS. :S

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