Tuesday 7 October 2008

Here we go again

Written on another site on Sunday 5th October 2008

My Son has played up again today, I'm not sure how much longer I can hold the family together as well as trying to get myself diagnosed officially and getting through every day. day by day. Frown

It was nowhere near as bad as his normal tantrums but he has been simmering all day which has "irated" my partner to the extreme.

My partner has told me that he has been thinking about leaving, all week because of my Son's behaviour. If only he had that Father Son bond, he'd possibly feel different then. Though his Dad was a B when it came to tantrums and wotnot and I swear to you that he was Schizophrenic, one minute he'd be good as gold, next minute he'd be threatening me and being an evil B. He would never have allowed someone else in the house challenging his behaviour.

I should have known when I got up this morning when he was beating his Sister up AGAIN that it would be a day where we would be better off staying in.

The problem was that I slept in, til 12:59!!! Embarassed so he had had a lot of time to get all worked up and hate everyone including me.

Anyway, I was determined to continue with what I wanted to do today and not have either male people in the house spoil it (my other half was sulking and moaning that he didn't want to go because of the behaviour my Son had portrayed this morning) so we went to Mothercare (CLarks first) to get my daughter measured for shoes for school, they didn't have the boots that she liked (thankfully as they were £32!! So we went to look at the Mothercare shoes and managed to get her a pair of boots and my Son a pair of school boots and a pair of trainers for £36, only £4 more than the Clarks Boots! lol

We then went on to my parents' house, and when my Son was reminded in the car to not ask for food he had a little bit of a flid, but he was ignored and we went in. Paid Dad the money that he had leant me for the car down payment to Mobility company and stayed a while, when we decided it was time to go my Son started having a flid again saying he wanted dinner at Nanny's... this went on for a while and he refused to leave the house, in the end I had to take his mind of the flid and asked him to show his Grandad the new car, this excited him somewhat, AND we managed to get him in the car and belted up before he started having a flid again because we were not eating at my parents' house nor were we going to McDonalds. *rolls eyes*

Rest of the journey was in silence because my partner refused to talk to me because he was in a mood with my Son, poor daughter felt rather stuck in the middle at this point and didn't know where to put herself. She told me to remind her at bedtime that she wanted to talk to me about something.

Got home, had tea which was reasonably pleasant compared to some times we have tried to get him to eat something, after which children were sent to bed early because partner wanted to watch a film tonight *rolls eyes again*

After I finally got my Son settled in his bed I managed to leave him and go and talk to my daughter, I spent a good 30 minutes in there with her cuddling and talking to her. She was very upset about the way my partner was so grumpy all the time at the moment and felt that my Son's flids were taken out on her in the long run because she ended up getting sent to her room for the minimalist of things, I was understanding with her and explained that it was because he was very worked up about my Son and he most probably didn't mean to take it out on her or anything and that I would have a chat with him about trying to leave off telling her off unless she's actually done something worth being told off for. We talked about other things too which I am going to keep between me and my daughter I think.

Now I'm here typing entry one in my blog, I am going to try to keep this up to date so you'll have to bear with me if you're enjoying all the waffling and I don't type for a while or something.

On the other hand, if you noticed something in my Blog that you wish to talk to me about, please feel free to message me and I'll be sure to message you back Wink

Thank you.

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