Friday 10 October 2008

Today's ramble

hello, tis I again :)
I apologised to Si for my terrible mood today and it was casually accepted so all is well, he's not in a bad mood either, just sounds like it heheh.

Started talking to both kezz and vikki tonight and although I'm still really nervous about it all going wrong, it wasn't too bad at all.

Kezz is my friend again now, she said so tonight so I'm really happy about that, I love kezz to bits and like a lot of my close female friends, she's like a little sister to me, I know I shouldn't but I worry a lot about "our kezz" :S

Vikki is talking to me again too, turns out she was my friend all a long she just didn't want to get involved with all the crap and be stuck in the middle. Now that is something I can relate to, I am the middle child after all. Did you know how left out and/or beaten on the middle one gets? *shuts up*

This blogging malarky keeps making me thinkof my past, maybe it will be good therapy for me. Maybe not, we'll have to see.

I just drifted off for a moment then and it reminded me that I have to get a referral to CAMS for Euan. Will phone them on Monday to sort it out :)

Euan started having a flid when he had to comein tonight, his very loud almost scream-like crying going right through me, not to sure how we calmed him down but he suddenly stopped which ws good. He went all cuddly tired after that and stayed cuddly tired until I finally managed to get him to bed. I settled him down to sleep after his trip to the toilet, then he decided he needed a poo, I got quite annoyed at this point as the toilet was still filling up from his first visit. That's it tonight I keep falling asleep. xxx

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