Sunday 12 October 2008

Last night's dream - 12.10.08

What a weird dream I had last night lol

Firstly a coloured (not black) man who was dressed in a suit and very smart looking indeed, came to the door (different house not sure where) and said that he had just moved into the area and was getting to know his neighbours, to do this properly he was creating a database including all the residents' personal details this was a bit dodgy as he was asking for things like date of birth, national insurance number and banking details :S I only put my name and email address as I felt that it was safe to do so.

Next minute I was in the back of our car with this man driving it, they had knocked me out and fiddled with the car so that it went stupendously and dangerously fast. I knew that the car was going to end up blowing up so I disconnected my oxygen tube and threw my oxygen out of the car door, they asked me why I did that and I said I'd rather die of no oxygen than blow the whole neighbourhood up, they didn't want a dead body on their hands so they threw me out of the car to get my oxygen and sped off.

Next minute I was at their den and there were lots of bad men plotting their next mission or something, but just up the drive was my school, strange little thing in a portacabin office type thing, I talked to my friend and she said they had got the media involved and sure enough there was vans with eyetv (ITV pun?) written on them and they were getting ready to film the bad men in our car when they came back round?

Next minute I woke up because my side had gone numb so I don't know if the police got them or what happened, funnily enough it was only the tv company that were trying to catch him and not the police? weird or what.

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