Friday 17 October 2008

Today's ramble 17.10.08

Last night was horrible, nasty dreams and pain was immense, kept waking up again :( it's not fair I tell you lol, only joking I must have done something in a past life to deserve it. Or perhaps it was to pay for my rebel phase. In which case I do deserve it. I guess.

Went to bed about 10something, planning on just resting for a bit, I slept until my bladder awoke me just after 3pm. I must have needed it, although you'd not tell when I woke up, immediately the body went stiff and exhausted, felt like I'd done 10 rounds of boxing, ouch did it hurt to touch. Been struggling since I got up and now I'm going back to bed, in pain again.

I've never had a heart attack but I thought I was going to have or having one last night (a pain in my chest just reminded me) My right arm muscles were all contracting and in pain, yet my fingers felt numb, I started to get sharp stabbing shooting pains from the right edge of the chest all the way into the bit where the ribs join at the bottom in the middle and all inside my chest it felt as though my lung was being squished up in a vice and all the air was coming out from it into my heart and my heart was going to explode, this lasted for about five minutes in waves until complete still and I was absolutely exhausted. I knew I was awake because I distinctly remember going to the toilet afterwards, not that I could prove it if it were required. *stops thinking with crime fighting brain*

Euan was very hyper tonight and constantly finding excuses to beat up Bronny :(

I'm finding myself sitting here trying to think of clothes that the kids can wear to their none uniform theme day. The theme is colours of the rainbow. *rolls eyes* It's on Wednesday so I have until then to come up with something.

Have been really crappy this evening hence no pc, I just sat there knitting which was hurting but I had to finish Vikki's skirt for her only just completed it tonight I'm not sure it will fit any of her bears actually perhaps I should have done less k2 tog's it might be rather small :S I just followed the pattern, forgetting that Vikki's bears have tummys, I might be wrong, it might fit a more slender bear will have to see.

Simon has a stinking head cold so his breath isn't all that beautiful and he's breathing all over me bleugh *can't wait until he rolls over* rofl

Hamsters are making A LOT of noise tonight :S when I finally settle off to sleep they had better have quieten down some! lol

great. Simon = belch in my face >:¦

Well tis now time for me to attempt some sleep, hamsters still doing my head in, Simon just rolled over and farted lovely just lovely and again he is lucky there are no matches in the house. What a combination! methane + pure oxygen + naked flame = umm burned fingers? lmfao

Well, goodnight I guess (tis actually 2:08 but I will post this as last night to avoid confusion.

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