Wednesday 8 October 2008

Today's ramble

With my son in mind, his behaviour has been good with the obvious minor eruptions of anger/aggression, it is actually scary to contemplate the amount of anger and aggression that can be penned up in a 6 year old boy and why it's there? I feel so sorry for him, so much frustration.

He put his coat on without a hitch and went off to school as happy as a pig in muck.

Social Services are sending out one of their Social Workers tomorrow to discuss his behaviour and how they can help us. I am going to ask if my son can be referred for Anger Management Classes/Sessions whatever they call them these days.

Would be brilliant if they could arrange for someone to come out and take them (my daughter needs fresh air and fun too) places that I am not able to take them. I've seen other kids with behavioural problems being taken out for the day so we'll see. With him not being dx with anything I doubt they'll do anything.

My son was good tonight too with a little bit of aggression now and again but nothingto "write home about". He thrived on the 30 minutes I gave him at bedtime, talking about school and everything else. He got up a bit later claiming to have had bad scary thoughts that something was comng to take him away from me, he put the thoughts in his dream cushion (will be explaimed eventually) but he was scared about going to sleep with all those bad thoughts on his mind (both children have been taught by me that whatever they think about just before sleep is going to be the theme for at least one of their dreams that night.) I reassured him that everything was going to be fine and then my better half put him to bed for me.

Now for me all me *rolls eyes*...

First, I will rate my days on a scale of 1-10. One being funky dorey like average jo who is as fit as a fiddle and happy that she is her. Ten being so much pain that it is nauseous or I feel faint and feeling generally crappy, emotionally and physically exhausted and drained. Wishing I was dead or in bed, whichever is quickest depending on where I am at the time. Remember that scale and you will do well.


I'm in agony sitting/lying here scrawling this out, my legs feel like I was hiking all day yesterday and today, and actually still experiencing.

Pain in my arms and pain and tightness in my chest too which hasn't helped matters.

Not a good day at all really, emotionally drained and exhausted.

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